How to Avail of Traders Den Courses?

Get our Trading Courses with these 5 easy steps!

Step 1.

Create your Course Account for FREE. Click this HERE to create an account.

Step 2.

Fill out the order form HERE and select a course/lesson.

Step 3.


Pay via bank transfer/online transfer through the details below:

Union Bank

Account Name: Go Learning Hub

Account No.: 0001 6002 5746

Mobile #: +639163070733

OIP (3)

BDO Unibank, Inc

Account Name: Go Learning Hub

Account No.: 008-200200-340

Mobile #: +639163070733

Step 4.

Email your proof of payment at with a subject 

PAYMENT_(COURSE TITLE) and use the following format:

Course/s Title:


Email (must be the same with registered email in the course account):

Screenshot of your Proof of Payment:

Step 5.

Wait for your payment to be acknowledged. Once acknowledged, wait for the course to reflect in your COURSE ACCOUNT within 24 hours.